السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

The importance of picking and choosing the right lipstick color

للأسف تهمل العديد من النساء أهمية أحمر الشفاه في أكمال

Unfortunately, many women neglect the importance of lipstick to complete the make-up. It is the final touch and the most important in the whole make-up, even if they are large and prominent eyes and beautiful mouth, the focus remains on the most important element in the success of the make-up.

But many girls do not know the proper way to use lipstick. Do you know? Let's take a quick look at the red lips, and its importance and how to use it.

Pens made the lipstick fatty substances, and dyes or pigments, mainly because these substances liquid, they often go away quickly, either by ingestion of food or drink, or by kissing or biting because of the parties to the lip.

Experts believe that the beauty in the proper way to put lipstick, be through the development of two layers of lipstick so that the first layer to form the basis of light, followed by determining the appropriate Baklk determine the lips, and then a second layer is more focused.

The experts advise avoiding the use of cosmetics Registry to identify a color darker than the original color of the lipstick, which was a strong fashion and non-successful during the nineties.

And some of the girls who do not want to use a lot of make up put a tinge of red lips, and the truth is, this method does not mean anything, I quickly wither red lips, and keep the lips bare, dry and cracked in many cases because the protective layer to disappear with the demise of lipstick.
We say to them, they tried to use lipstick glossy transparent, it maintains the skin moisture of the lips, and gives gentle scene is exaggerated.

Every woman is aware of the elements of beauty, you realize that shades of red lips that used must be consistent with the rest of the colors of make-up, especially with the color of her skin and her clothes, was red lips does not mean red, bright always or pink, it means a blending color coordinated with each other in and out with color and appropriate complementary make-up.

How to put lipstick?Should be used lipstick to improve the format of the lips, and should not be ugly or worn.1. Before you put lipstick lips good clean piece of cotton wool with cleaner milk. (Lipstick does not give brighter if the lips are not clean.) Do not use soap because the lips with soft leather.2. Put a little cream base on the lips, and leave to dry.3. Put red lips gradually by drawing a definition of the lips and then fill the lips with color. You can put lipstick by a small brush of the lips, a national put a little powder on the lips, then wipe gently with a tissue, put more and more national lipstick now accurately by gattine brush so that all edges and angles.4. Put lipstick at the upper lip first, then lower. Use light colors first and then the dark for more sparkle.5. After putting the color, make sure there is no surplus scans lips again with a tissue soft.

If you do not like to put lipstick at home Use Vaseline to keep the lips from dehydration, or use ready-made pencils moisturize lips and smelling good.

Lipstick can change a lot in your look, it makes the lips appear larger or smaller, larger or thinner, so must choose the appropriate color and Tstamli the correct way to put it.

The faces of small and soft, use a light color on the upper lip, and a darker color on the lower lip. (You can mix color another color for the degree of darker).

- The kind lips, apply a light shadow on the upper lip and darkness, darker on the lower lip to make lips look a little wider. You can make your lips look too wide to further define the lips.- Cut down on the lips wide to identify the lips.- The uneven lips you can use the Registry to identify the lips.- To make the lips look fatter, use two layers of lipstick.

Ways and tips to avoid falling eyelashes

طرق و نصائح لتجنب تساقط الرموش

Many women suffer from loss of eyelashes, while others would wish to return them, "Mascara" childhood, which gave birth to them.

And to maintain on the eyelashes, which is owned, the woman or man, abandoning many
Of bad habits which lead to the Fallen first, then work to increase the quantity of the second.

In addition to the aesthetic form that Tdver and the role they play in your country Amoazlat, eyelashes are of great importance in the protection of the eyes.

It has a preventive function and eyelashes, "as it is about foreign objects from the eye," says eye doctor in New York City, Susan Resnick, adding: "It's a centuries sensor as it is anything close to the eye and make them make acts such as the reflectivity of the Party."
Many children wish to return eyelashes
 Age can be up one blinking three months before the fall. While it takes the new eyelash growth for up to two months.

If you look at the eyelashes thick with small children will feel that the lashes have become less, but this is just an optical illusion. We are born a certain number of bulbs, it does not diminish with the passage of time. May fall some eyelashes

It takes time to grow. But the foundation remains in the number of lashes are largely fixed.

"I think that in general seem Alainian larger and more dense eyelashes in children because the size of a small headed," he said Resnick of the Web site WebMD Medical Med.

Rmohna to lose?
With age and not take care of it as it should, lashes at the start of precipitation. Do not grow long and thick as it was happening earlier.

"The causes of loss lashes are the same reasons for hair loss," says Jeannette Graf, MD Skin diseases in Great Nick Great Neck, New York.

This means that stress and poor eating habits of the most important reasons for falling lashes, in addition to thyroid problems and infections of the eyelids and chemotherapy.

As the cause of women, sometimes, in the destruction of Rmoucheha through some of the movements carried out by regularly scrubbing the eyelids, such as whether or not to remove mascara before going to sleep what causes the cracking eyelashes, and even use Maskrey Waterproof what causes the dry lashes. It is usually removed Maskrey a particular problem if the water repellent, "she said Graf.

The Maskrey
A prolonged effect is harder to remove what might make women more aggressive in dealing with Rmoucheha.

, "The roots of the lashes very thin and deal harshly with them broken," according to what explains the doctor, adding "In the long run can result in bad habits for the destruction of the follicle, and this makes them stop production of the lashes or make eyelashes grow weaker and thinner and less taller. As long as the event destruction in the root will not grow as it was blinking and could begin the destruction replication. "

Ways to save the eyelashes
If your good health and eat foods with high nutritional value everything that you need to do is to maintain on the eyelashes you actually have.

Cheddi not harshly lashes Here are some tips that will help to maintain the lashes:

- Use a remover Maskrey nice and gently wipe your eyelids, let alone instead of lashes

- Do not Cheddi harshly lashes

- If you are using curly lashes, make sure not to be close to its roots

- If you want to remove the blocks that may cause the mascara in the composition should you do this before they dry mascara to be easy to comb eyelashes

The disposal of old mascara plays a major role in the care of Balrmoc. It must change the mascara every 6 months maximum, as the survival of this makes them more susceptible to microbial contamination that leads to inflammation, "she said Resnick.

Resnick added that if women suffer from eye redness or inflammation of any other, you must sterilize anything you use near the eye area.

"If you do not do this there will be many problems along the lashes fall where they may be involved in several other types of infection and inflammation."
Balsam eyelashes
"You need to Balsam lashes such as hair completely," she said Resnick. "You could also use a thin layer of Vaseline petroleum jelly or Aquaphor Aqua immediately on the eyelids at night."

Graff says he can use several types of balsamic that does not need to consult a doctor and that contain proteins such as ...

"These proteins cover the lashes to make them stronger, and the pain
Fresh dates make it more flexible. "

The balm helps prevent cracking lashes making them appear more in length within weeks, she said Graf..

Skin types and care

skin care

To know your skin type? Before going to sleep and wash your face with water and in the morning before washing the face licked his face a light towel and then a white handkerchief and clean .. Put a towel in the sun in order to discover if there is fat on the tissue or not?
- If there was a fat Vanity Her skin greasy.- If there is a simple fat clouds Vanity Her normal skin.- Either if there was no trace of fat Vanity Her skin is dry.

There, my dear, factors affecting the health of the skin and serenity?
((Genetics - Depression - Psychological factors - Dieting harsh - Food unbalanced - for anemia - external factors - the sun - warm air - some of the diseases that affect infection)).

Very useful information about the skin types?
Combination skin?Used her soap removes fat fatty areas without drying the rest of the skin. Gathering recipes fatty and dry .. In the area of ​​the front and nose showing some fat and be dry or normal in the rest of the face.
Dry skin?Uses her creams for cleaning and strengthening, and nutrition.
Normal skin?Must clean the skin and reduces the amount of nutrients and creams used any type of moisturizing creams.

Skin types?
- Oily skin: Use creams and moisturizers have water-based.
- Dry Skin: Use creams and moisturizers have a decent basis.
- Normal Skin or blending: Use creams and moisturizers have water-based.
Dry skin? Narrow pores and wrinkles show quickly, especially around the eyes and mouth are very sensitive matter if soap and cosmetics. Lack of fatty substances which lead to scaling and roughness.
Oily skin? Pores large, clear, always prone to be contaminated grain and weeds if neglected.
Normal skin? Is moist and soft, mild and requires careful care of it because it combines many recipes.

Here is to use a holistic skin mentioned here this content job?
Dry skin: to use regular soap to wash them, but use of washing soap enters the Quran or in the composition of some oils ((such as Dove)).You must remove the makeup in the evening by a special cream or milk, dry skin.A cream greasy moisturizer in the morning and rubbed until well absorbed by the skin as a whole.Uses a good quality basic cream does not help to dry and contains a proportion of cream moisturizer ... and possible to do this by mixing a little moisturizer with a little cream of the cream of the key.

Oily skin: Basabon should be washed and then use the clutch and do not use liquid refreshments in abundance.

Mixed skin: it must choose a soap cleans fat without a more arid region dry.

Sensitive skin: The risk of permanent redness and itching with red blotches and grains of it is vulnerable to factors of the atmosphere and its changes Kmalk sun and some types of cosmetics and perfumes, which increases the sensitivity and redness and irritation of the skin and must choose moisturizers and creams are essential, cleaning products suitable for sensitive skin and should preferably be to consult a doctor .

Normal skin: are cleaned with soap and water and soap, preferably containing almond oil, added C apple cider vinegar.Weekly Action convinced her and must contain the masks on the yogurt.Moisturizer I recommend placing it before the primary and fundamental kind of normal but good brand.

Oily skin: Clean the skin to remove makeup and then washed by a special lotion oily skin, or add points to the solution of lemon washing and avoiding fatty creams that depend on oil.Must be on the steam bath 3 times a week to clean the skin.

Learn skillfully put Eyeliner

To put Eyeliner on the upper lid, tighten your skin with your left handabove the eye, and then my eyeliner with your right hand.

- Asendi your right hand on your face during the development ofkohl it helps you to control the situation,

May be trying a few times before Taatgueni this process, butPractice makes perfect.

- For the lower eyelid, Asendi your right hand on your face and use the other hand

To flatten the lower eyelid during the development of  Eyeliner

- Use short movements are light and soft, rather than trying to draw a line and one continuous.

- Make eye open slightly, leverage your head back and look in themirror

And both eyes open, you can approach this very line of theeyelashes.

- If you use a pencil instead of liquid formula, draw a line

Head, then used cotton bud to soften the line. This is the easiest and fastest way,

Do not worry if not following it properly the first time,

Line will be an excellent hardly appears.

- put Eyeliner center line the lower lashes and makes the eyes seem totables and more prominent,

Do not care much that the line is straight and tidy, Grease LineBeram lumbar or with your finger

So that it is smooth and appears normal.

Day to Day Losing Weight Tips

1- Replace canned juice with fresh juice. Canned juice contains less fiber which is a key factor in loosing weight. Also, most canned juice is 
sweetened, meaning it contains extra calories that you do not need.

2- Avoild Alcohol. Alcohol is fattening and contains lots and lots of calories. If you drink excessivly, you wont be able to control what you eat when drunk
3- Minimise fat intake. Every gram of fat contains around 9 caloris. Do not eat food that contains more than 30% of fat. Learn how to read the labels on food items to control how much fat you eat.

4- Control sweets. The sweeter something is, the more caloris it conatains. Do not cut seets completely out of your deight. Instead learn, hwo to control them and choose the ones that contain fewer calories.

5- Drink water during meals. Water will make you feel full so you leave the table eating less but feeling the same.

6- Drink lots of water during the day, water keeps your body active and will aide you in loosing weight.

7- Eat slowly. If you eat slower, you will feel full by eating less. If you tend to gulp your food, you end up eating more that what you need to feel full.

8- Switch white with brown. White rice and wheat contain less fiber and more calories. Replace them with brown whole graine rice and wheat.

How to take care of your skin in your home?

Since ancient  has spread the use of natural materials and herbs for beauty and to this day we can use this means having proved their effectiveness and usefulness to the health of the skin unlike synthetic materials and chemicals that may cause some problems and allergies ...

Here are some of these resources and benefits of use:
Uses a mixture of fresh lemon juice with rose water and wet a piece of cotton in this liquid is then passed on the face. In order to revitalize and strengthen the skin of the face.
Bring one teaspoon of lemon juice and other orange juice with a cup of fresh cream and put a layer of the mixture on the facial skin, avoiding the eye area for 10 minutes and then removed with water, to clean your skin.

The amount of a tablespoon of fresh cream with a quarter teaspoon of rose oil can add a few drops of lemon is this mixture to moisturize your skin.
Some herbs to take care of your skin.

Uses fennel seeds soaked in compresses to treat swelling and inflammation of the eyelids. And use the seeds by chewing for perfuming the breath .. Also uses a cleaner impregnated papers effective for skin and hair wash.

Drenched lavender is used for mouth wash and to purify Tattiyrh ..Also included in the installation of many skin care creams due to its laxative and flavor of the skin .. For the same purpose used in the baths. As is known, enter the lavender industry in a lot of odors.

As for the rose oil is included in many cosmetics .. As is the rose water, which is extracted from the petals of flowers, excellent Gsola the mouth, and treatment for skin cracks. Also used rose water or rose oil in the baths and refreshing outlined for the skin.
Alhsalban herb used in particular in the work of the face, steam baths, saunas feet.
Sage used in the work of mouthwash, has a stimulus effect on the scalp, a nutrient for hair.
Given the overall effect on the skin, enter the chamomile in the work of the convictions and creams .. In addition to chamomile drenched pools of water, it also helps to face the demise of grain, and resist the irritation of the skin.
Soak thyme and used to strengthen hair and prevent the fall, is also used in compresses for the treatment of cracked nipples, and considered as an antiseptic to the mouth.
Uses the oil extracted from the plant cinnamon in a massage for the body, where the skin softens and nourished, as used in the treatment of the skin from sunburn, and Cinnamon oil is also useful in strengthening the teeth.
Flour or bran: Used to soften and purify the skin
Peel tomatoes: Contains enzymes that help cell regeneration
Juice option: to soothe the skin and give it a touch brighter.
Strawberry: for cleaning, smoothing, and have the effect of constriction of the skin, as it is ideal for oily skin. Milk: is the ideal foundation, which is used to obtain the strength of a suitable mix of herbs and natural oils with him.
Honey: Helps to re-moisturize the skin and is advised by mixing with milk and rose oil.
Sesame oil: to soften the skin and protection from the sun.
Islands: a natural source of beta carotene and is rich in vitamin E and C.
Rose water: to revitalize and soften the skin. 

Quiz: Are you nice with others?

Word is the snake out of her room to smile. Ideals, of course, metaphorical; because the snake is not smiles, but the man smiles and rejoices when you hear a nice word of its importance as a human being can feel. And become a nice with others means a step forward to approach the other, how Cklin the first step of friendship? Class the following test, which was developed by Brazilian experts and specialists and social affairs of human behavior; to know if you're nice with others

 The first question: How chore with others in the morning?A - you say good morning to those who Tsadwinh from the heart.B - say good morning duty.C - do not say anything because the morning for your mood is not the time greeting.
If you choose to answer the first, you are definitely nice with others and do you intend to good for all people, but Alijabtan the second and third kind of understanding to circumvent the others just do not exceed the duty may not mean anything.
Second question: When you're in a traffic crisis, what your situation?A - do you consider that the priority for your car and your time on others.B - you give room for other cars and then Taatjaozk're insulting of you exceed a secret.C - always you give preference to the other cars.
Your choice of two answers first and second means selfishness and lack of respect for others, and the lack of a sense of kindness you have, the answer to the third selection means you prefer other conditions on your circumstances.
Third question: exercise to a restaurant and you friends, what are you doing?A - eat in silence, without their participation; not to share with them anything.B - you buy something to erosion, and insisting on shared with them.C - expecting one of them even buy food, Vtpadre to participate without inviting you.Your choice to answer the second means the top of the generosity and kindness with your friends, and the first and third Alijabtan Vtnian you are childish and mean-spirited and selfish.
Quarter question: If one praised what your clothes, how do you respond?A - Ckrene.B - a modest Tntkin comment does not reflect your assessment of this praise.C - Taatjahlain this praise.
Choose the first answer gives the impression that you can afford the positions of others, and choose the second answer reflects the G'rourk, The third possible answer means you do not Taerin no attention to the kindness of others to you.

Fifth question: If I had to host a friend for some time, how Taatsrven?A - you give the best room and a bed in your home.B - do not like to receive one.C - Tstqublin others, but you place strict rules for their movements in your home.
Answer the second choice means that you belonged to the community individually, and to answer the third means to control your love for others, the first answer, it means you are very kindness.
Sixth Question: When Taerin something for your girlfriend, do you place the conditions for that?A - No, but Tmahin and repeatedly to your need for this thing.B - prefer not to loan something to guide anyone.C - be ashamed to ask for something that might eventually lent him Tvkadinh.
Your choice to answer the first means you Oart your girlfriend something reluctantly, and the second answer means a lack of love to collaborate with others, while the answer to the third Summit of sacrifice means to satisfy your girlfriend.
Seventh Question: I asked you that your girlfriend Tosaliha car somewhere:A - accepted in the spirit of fun.B - Tervdin Pachtraek that the argument is unrealistic.C - by the date of delivery Ttanasen and you go without an apology to them.
Choose the second answer means you lied to your girlfriend, and answer the third means the negligence of others in full, but the first means you are ready to help others.Eighth question: When a relative of your friend dies, what are you doing?A - you go to the funeral, and look your support for your girlfriend.B -'re visiting your girlfriend in her home to offer condolences and moral support.C - do not go because you do not like sad occasions.
The first answer means you are eager to fulfill our duty, social, third answer means you do not you realize that life and death, happiness and sadness are things which are not inevitable, but your choice

Blarinat for women