السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

Quiz: Are you nice with others?

Word is the snake out of her room to smile. Ideals, of course, metaphorical; because the snake is not smiles, but the man smiles and rejoices when you hear a nice word of its importance as a human being can feel. And become a nice with others means a step forward to approach the other, how Cklin the first step of friendship? Class the following test, which was developed by Brazilian experts and specialists and social affairs of human behavior; to know if you're nice with others

 The first question: How chore with others in the morning?A - you say good morning to those who Tsadwinh from the heart.B - say good morning duty.C - do not say anything because the morning for your mood is not the time greeting.
If you choose to answer the first, you are definitely nice with others and do you intend to good for all people, but Alijabtan the second and third kind of understanding to circumvent the others just do not exceed the duty may not mean anything.
Second question: When you're in a traffic crisis, what your situation?A - do you consider that the priority for your car and your time on others.B - you give room for other cars and then Taatjaozk're insulting of you exceed a secret.C - always you give preference to the other cars.
Your choice of two answers first and second means selfishness and lack of respect for others, and the lack of a sense of kindness you have, the answer to the third selection means you prefer other conditions on your circumstances.
Third question: exercise to a restaurant and you friends, what are you doing?A - eat in silence, without their participation; not to share with them anything.B - you buy something to erosion, and insisting on shared with them.C - expecting one of them even buy food, Vtpadre to participate without inviting you.Your choice to answer the second means the top of the generosity and kindness with your friends, and the first and third Alijabtan Vtnian you are childish and mean-spirited and selfish.
Quarter question: If one praised what your clothes, how do you respond?A - Ckrene.B - a modest Tntkin comment does not reflect your assessment of this praise.C - Taatjahlain this praise.
Choose the first answer gives the impression that you can afford the positions of others, and choose the second answer reflects the G'rourk, The third possible answer means you do not Taerin no attention to the kindness of others to you.

Fifth question: If I had to host a friend for some time, how Taatsrven?A - you give the best room and a bed in your home.B - do not like to receive one.C - Tstqublin others, but you place strict rules for their movements in your home.
Answer the second choice means that you belonged to the community individually, and to answer the third means to control your love for others, the first answer, it means you are very kindness.
Sixth Question: When Taerin something for your girlfriend, do you place the conditions for that?A - No, but Tmahin and repeatedly to your need for this thing.B - prefer not to loan something to guide anyone.C - be ashamed to ask for something that might eventually lent him Tvkadinh.
Your choice to answer the first means you Oart your girlfriend something reluctantly, and the second answer means a lack of love to collaborate with others, while the answer to the third Summit of sacrifice means to satisfy your girlfriend.
Seventh Question: I asked you that your girlfriend Tosaliha car somewhere:A - accepted in the spirit of fun.B - Tervdin Pachtraek that the argument is unrealistic.C - by the date of delivery Ttanasen and you go without an apology to them.
Choose the second answer means you lied to your girlfriend, and answer the third means the negligence of others in full, but the first means you are ready to help others.Eighth question: When a relative of your friend dies, what are you doing?A - you go to the funeral, and look your support for your girlfriend.B -'re visiting your girlfriend in her home to offer condolences and moral support.C - do not go because you do not like sad occasions.
The first answer means you are eager to fulfill our duty, social, third answer means you do not you realize that life and death, happiness and sadness are things which are not inevitable, but your choice

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