السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

Day to Day Losing Weight Tips

1- Replace canned juice with fresh juice. Canned juice contains less fiber which is a key factor in loosing weight. Also, most canned juice is 
sweetened, meaning it contains extra calories that you do not need.

2- Avoild Alcohol. Alcohol is fattening and contains lots and lots of calories. If you drink excessivly, you wont be able to control what you eat when drunk
3- Minimise fat intake. Every gram of fat contains around 9 caloris. Do not eat food that contains more than 30% of fat. Learn how to read the labels on food items to control how much fat you eat.

4- Control sweets. The sweeter something is, the more caloris it conatains. Do not cut seets completely out of your deight. Instead learn, hwo to control them and choose the ones that contain fewer calories.

5- Drink water during meals. Water will make you feel full so you leave the table eating less but feeling the same.

6- Drink lots of water during the day, water keeps your body active and will aide you in loosing weight.

7- Eat slowly. If you eat slower, you will feel full by eating less. If you tend to gulp your food, you end up eating more that what you need to feel full.

8- Switch white with brown. White rice and wheat contain less fiber and more calories. Replace them with brown whole graine rice and wheat.

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