الاثنين، 25 أبريل 2011

Red heel boots

Summer clothes

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

كولكشن 2011 ملابس صيفيه 2011

Care Tips lips and teeth

نصائح للعناية بالشفايف والاسنان

Reflect the oral care and dental attention span of women's beauty, it must account for the mouth area with great care; so as not to get gum disease or the appearance of an unpleasant smell in the mouth. 
Here are some tips for the careful attention of the mouth and teeth: 

• Eat vegetables and fruits solid; by rubbing the teeth during chewing, working on cleaning and polishing. 

• Ensure to eat fresh fruits and vegetables rich (Vitamin B), which helps the freshness of lips and take care of it. 

• Avoid leaving the impact or stains on the teeth, such as tea, coffee, dark soft drinks, and cigarettes. 

• Attention to constantly wash the teeth using toothpaste whitening of the teeth; to get an attractive appearance. 

• Avoid pressure on the teeth during cleaning, it will not increase the whiteness, but may cause long-term diseases and infections of the gums. 

• Get rid of the remnants of biscuits and cheese from the teeth, because it facilitates the adhesion of food remnants. 

• moisturize lips cracked, lips by rubbing with a soft cloth, or piece of cloth perfumed wet, then gently peel to remove dead skin layer. 

• Use a lip liner to draw the lips are attractive. 

• Develop a thin layer of polished lips over lipstick; where it sometimes causes cracking of the lips lips to put moisturizer day and night to avoid dry lips. 

• Avoid nail-biting, so as not to cause injuries to the lips 

Beauty and fruits

Skin care, hair and body


Lemon juice from natural means simple that can can treat by some skin imperfections helping lemon juice on the disappearance of freckles, improve skin color becomes brighter and brighter and helps to treat pores wide where the clutch with which to narrow pores and use lemon juice to repair defects put a thin layer of juice on the skin and then leave for a few minutes then rinse with warm water as well as the lemon juice helps the disappearance of the yellowish teeth you can use for this purpose on the brush or wet cloth and rub your teeth it every day.

Smoothness of the skin, hands and elegance Take advantage of the existing shell orange juice, surveying the Idekke if the opportunity arose it is natural food for skin tags ** Luster and beauty.

Fruit rich in vitamins especially vitamin A, which feeds the hair and prevents hair loss.

To remove wrinkles and beauty skin beads Oasri some strawberries and Grease your face morning and night and then wash your face with water and parsley also helps in cleaning and removing human yellowish

To strengthen the teeth and beauty, it is rich in calcium, which feeds the tooth and strengthen it contains a vitamin.

For radiant skin and beautiful face wash parsley water morning and evening for a week.

Useful in the treatment of facial wrinkles and get rid of freckles In the case of oily skin you can use Mbchora with milk powder or slices.

According to vinegar in the smoothness of the hair lustrous and get rid of dandruff Put a little vinegar while washing your hair is also useful in cosmetic leg and get rid of blue veins massage by the veins in the morning and evening for one month and LOSS your body eat with each meal, two tablespoons in a cup of water.

السبت، 23 أبريل 2011

The importance of picking and choosing the right lipstick color

للأسف تهمل العديد من النساء أهمية أحمر الشفاه في أكمال

Unfortunately, many women neglect the importance of lipstick to complete the make-up. It is the final touch and the most important in the whole make-up, even if they are large and prominent eyes and beautiful mouth, the focus remains on the most important element in the success of the make-up.

But many girls do not know the proper way to use lipstick. Do you know? Let's take a quick look at the red lips, and its importance and how to use it.

Pens made the lipstick fatty substances, and dyes or pigments, mainly because these substances liquid, they often go away quickly, either by ingestion of food or drink, or by kissing or biting because of the parties to the lip.

Experts believe that the beauty in the proper way to put lipstick, be through the development of two layers of lipstick so that the first layer to form the basis of light, followed by determining the appropriate Baklk determine the lips, and then a second layer is more focused.

The experts advise avoiding the use of cosmetics Registry to identify a color darker than the original color of the lipstick, which was a strong fashion and non-successful during the nineties.

And some of the girls who do not want to use a lot of make up put a tinge of red lips, and the truth is, this method does not mean anything, I quickly wither red lips, and keep the lips bare, dry and cracked in many cases because the protective layer to disappear with the demise of lipstick.
We say to them, they tried to use lipstick glossy transparent, it maintains the skin moisture of the lips, and gives gentle scene is exaggerated.

Every woman is aware of the elements of beauty, you realize that shades of red lips that used must be consistent with the rest of the colors of make-up, especially with the color of her skin and her clothes, was red lips does not mean red, bright always or pink, it means a blending color coordinated with each other in and out with color and appropriate complementary make-up.

How to put lipstick?Should be used lipstick to improve the format of the lips, and should not be ugly or worn.1. Before you put lipstick lips good clean piece of cotton wool with cleaner milk. (Lipstick does not give brighter if the lips are not clean.) Do not use soap because the lips with soft leather.2. Put a little cream base on the lips, and leave to dry.3. Put red lips gradually by drawing a definition of the lips and then fill the lips with color. You can put lipstick by a small brush of the lips, a national put a little powder on the lips, then wipe gently with a tissue, put more and more national lipstick now accurately by gattine brush so that all edges and angles.4. Put lipstick at the upper lip first, then lower. Use light colors first and then the dark for more sparkle.5. After putting the color, make sure there is no surplus scans lips again with a tissue soft.

If you do not like to put lipstick at home Use Vaseline to keep the lips from dehydration, or use ready-made pencils moisturize lips and smelling good.

Lipstick can change a lot in your look, it makes the lips appear larger or smaller, larger or thinner, so must choose the appropriate color and Tstamli the correct way to put it.

The faces of small and soft, use a light color on the upper lip, and a darker color on the lower lip. (You can mix color another color for the degree of darker).

- The kind lips, apply a light shadow on the upper lip and darkness, darker on the lower lip to make lips look a little wider. You can make your lips look too wide to further define the lips.- Cut down on the lips wide to identify the lips.- The uneven lips you can use the Registry to identify the lips.- To make the lips look fatter, use two layers of lipstick.

Ways and tips to avoid falling eyelashes

طرق و نصائح لتجنب تساقط الرموش

Many women suffer from loss of eyelashes, while others would wish to return them, "Mascara" childhood, which gave birth to them.

And to maintain on the eyelashes, which is owned, the woman or man, abandoning many
Of bad habits which lead to the Fallen first, then work to increase the quantity of the second.

In addition to the aesthetic form that Tdver and the role they play in your country Amoazlat, eyelashes are of great importance in the protection of the eyes.

It has a preventive function and eyelashes, "as it is about foreign objects from the eye," says eye doctor in New York City, Susan Resnick, adding: "It's a centuries sensor as it is anything close to the eye and make them make acts such as the reflectivity of the Party."
Many children wish to return eyelashes
 Age can be up one blinking three months before the fall. While it takes the new eyelash growth for up to two months.

If you look at the eyelashes thick with small children will feel that the lashes have become less, but this is just an optical illusion. We are born a certain number of bulbs, it does not diminish with the passage of time. May fall some eyelashes

It takes time to grow. But the foundation remains in the number of lashes are largely fixed.

"I think that in general seem Alainian larger and more dense eyelashes in children because the size of a small headed," he said Resnick of the Web site WebMD Medical Med.

Rmohna to lose?
With age and not take care of it as it should, lashes at the start of precipitation. Do not grow long and thick as it was happening earlier.

"The causes of loss lashes are the same reasons for hair loss," says Jeannette Graf, MD Skin diseases in Great Nick Great Neck, New York.

This means that stress and poor eating habits of the most important reasons for falling lashes, in addition to thyroid problems and infections of the eyelids and chemotherapy.

As the cause of women, sometimes, in the destruction of Rmoucheha through some of the movements carried out by regularly scrubbing the eyelids, such as whether or not to remove mascara before going to sleep what causes the cracking eyelashes, and even use Maskrey Waterproof what causes the dry lashes. It is usually removed Maskrey a particular problem if the water repellent, "she said Graf.

The Maskrey
A prolonged effect is harder to remove what might make women more aggressive in dealing with Rmoucheha.

, "The roots of the lashes very thin and deal harshly with them broken," according to what explains the doctor, adding "In the long run can result in bad habits for the destruction of the follicle, and this makes them stop production of the lashes or make eyelashes grow weaker and thinner and less taller. As long as the event destruction in the root will not grow as it was blinking and could begin the destruction replication. "

Ways to save the eyelashes
If your good health and eat foods with high nutritional value everything that you need to do is to maintain on the eyelashes you actually have.

Cheddi not harshly lashes Here are some tips that will help to maintain the lashes:

- Use a remover Maskrey nice and gently wipe your eyelids, let alone instead of lashes

- Do not Cheddi harshly lashes

- If you are using curly lashes, make sure not to be close to its roots

- If you want to remove the blocks that may cause the mascara in the composition should you do this before they dry mascara to be easy to comb eyelashes

The disposal of old mascara plays a major role in the care of Balrmoc. It must change the mascara every 6 months maximum, as the survival of this makes them more susceptible to microbial contamination that leads to inflammation, "she said Resnick.

Resnick added that if women suffer from eye redness or inflammation of any other, you must sterilize anything you use near the eye area.

"If you do not do this there will be many problems along the lashes fall where they may be involved in several other types of infection and inflammation."
Balsam eyelashes
"You need to Balsam lashes such as hair completely," she said Resnick. "You could also use a thin layer of Vaseline petroleum jelly or Aquaphor Aqua immediately on the eyelids at night."

Graff says he can use several types of balsamic that does not need to consult a doctor and that contain proteins such as ...

"These proteins cover the lashes to make them stronger, and the pain
Fresh dates make it more flexible. "

The balm helps prevent cracking lashes making them appear more in length within weeks, she said Graf..